Saturday, January 29, 2011

Prank Calls

I realize how immature this proves me to be but Dave came in and said "you are just sitting in here giggling at that?" and I am proud to say YES. I find this kid to be quite entertaining especially w/the lipsticks


  1. I love it when people have a sense of humor. We are out of watermelon pie!

  2. that kid looks like Lance Bass from Nsync... who just happens to be gay, so maybe he talks like that now. Plus his name is so nice to say with a lisp.... lance bass!

  3. That is awesome! I didn't think you could still get away with Prank Calls. That is what we used to do for entertainment in the olden days before caller id. I'm a big woman and I like my man to be satisfied.. that kid is a crack up!

  4. If it weren't for caller ID, I think I'd still be making prank calls. That's what we did before the nintendo's came along.
