Sunday, October 24, 2010

Gimme Some Speed!

My hubby and I were driving through a neighborhood just east of State Street, and they had these signs all over the place! We could never have signs like this in the West. They would all be stolen, and then attached to a teenage boy's bedroom door!
(Yes, our sense of humor rivals that of a 12 year old!)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Spider pig, spider pig

I hate spiders soooo very much.  I feel that they have taken over my life lately.  I even had the bug guy over this week to spray the house down.  I would rather deal with pesticides in my toothpaste than a spider in the corner. 

The first time I watched this I yelped out loud.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Best 14 seconds ever!

This video has made us all happy.  The power of a sneeze!

Friday, October 1, 2010

T minus 31

Or would it be 30?  That is how many days till Halloween, right?

So here is my video conrtibution for October. 

Don't pee!